We are very pleased to announce the release of our new product – Fermented Cod Liver oil with a hint of Organic Sicilian Lemon.
We spent quite a lot of time discussing what would make the best fermented cod liver oil liquid product. We decided that although many people like plain cod liver oil, there are a lot of people who find it unpalatable. We had enough oil for a flavoured product and a plain product, so we decided to make a flavoured product, to begin with.
It was very difficult to pick a flavour that matched our criteria. It had to of course be a natural flavour that had to mix readily in cod liver oil. As our oil is a very natural product with no chemicals, we couldn’t go and add a flavour that had been chemically extracted.
After quite a lot of experimenting (even with some quite unusual flavours) we decided that lemon was the best choice. For starters, lemon oil is produced by pressing lemon rinds, and so it’s a very simple and natural process. Being an oil, it also mixes very well with fermented cod liver oil.
The flavour itself is, of course, very good. Unlike artificial lemon flavours, which taste very strong and miss a certain…completeness…lemon oil has all the subtle flavours of real lemons. We’ve added enough to make the flavour subtle and mask the fishy flavours of fermetned cod liver oil. What’s more is that the lemon oil prevents fishy repeating flavours, that is a common complaint we hear from people who take both capsules and liquid products.
We’ve tested the lemon oil and fermented cod liver oil on a number of willing volunteers, and we were very please when they all enjoyed it (even the ones who weren’t expecting to!).
So, without further ado:
We of course hope you enjoy the product we’ve worked so hard to make. If you do have any questions, please do feel free to get in touch.
– The Armorica Team