Price changes 2023

It is with regret that in September, the prices of our products will have to increase.

We have kept the same RRP throughout the UK leaving the EU and the Covid pandemic, hoping that these economic stresses and price hikes across the board would ease, but they didn’t. Now, in the current economic situation, we have seen our costs rise by an average of 30%. I say this not for a sympathy vote, but just to explain that the conditions in which we operate have dramatically changed. As a result of this, we will do our first price increase in years.

How will Prices Change?

After much consideration, our fermented cod liver oil will change to the below prices. These increases are still significantly below the rate of inflation over the last 3 years (~20%), which can be checked at the BoE inflation calculator.

Ways to Counter Price Increases

Paying more for the same thing doesn’t feel great. We know that, and experience it the same as everyone else, and we do want to help when we can. Over the next few weeks, we will be re-vamping our loyalty program, and we offer a bulk purchase scheme, which offers as much as a 10% discount on your purchases. We also hope to offer a 180 capsule product in the near future, which will represent the best economic purchase.

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